What can I help you with?

Children and Teens

Adolescents need a trusted adult to help them navigate difficulties and form their identities. My approach is compassionate, humanistic, and trauma-informed. 

I’ve worked extensively with youth (and adults) as they navigate issues including: ADHD, anxiety, depression, divorce, social anxiety, emotional regulation issues, eating disorders, and all the other complications of being a person.

I’ve worked with dozens of schools to implement 504 and IEP plans, and advocated for learners to get the support and accommodations they need based on their diagnoses.

Many children and teens prefer the “doing” or embodied/play therapy style, where therapeutic conversations might take place on a walk in park or while playing a game. Casual settings and activity often foster the most impactful moments. (Learn more below.)

Adults and Couples

I see therapy as a collaborative process of building preferred outcomes. I work from a mindfulness perspective, with an emphasis on self-regulation and self-compassion. In my work with individuals and couples, I’ve found that people can learn what adaptive attachment looks and feels like, helping them make more informed decisions about what they want from themselves, and from friends, family, and intimate relationships.

Doing Therapy

I decided to offer “doing” therapy when I noticed how comfortable my young clients became while talking on the playground. The informal setting didn’t at all diminish the quality of the conversation. In fact, I noticed that it opened up deeper avenues of discussion.

A “doing” therapy session is for those who do their best reflecting on the move or outside. I can meet you for a walk in the park, basketball court, or depending on your interest, the climbing gym!